ДЗР са сложни финансови инструменти и идват с висок риск от бърза загуба на пари поради ливъридж ефекта. 81.76% от сметките на инвеститорите на дребно губят пари, когато търгуват ДЗР с този доставчик. Трябва да сте сигурни, че разбирате как работят ДЗР и дали можете да си позволите да поемете високия риск от загуба на парите си.

81.76% от сметките на инвеститорите на дребно губят пари, когато търгуват ДЗР с този доставчик.

How to calculate the size of a position (CFDs)

You purchase 1 CFD on the ASX 200 at an index level of 5,750.

1 Point (of the above 5,750) is equal to 1 AUD.

This means you will make 1 AUD for every point the index rises and lose 1 AUD for every point the index falls.

For example, using the above data, if the index rose 100%, the profit would be AUD 5,750, so 100% of the position is AUD 5,750 which is the total position size.

If the one point was worth AUD 10, then the position size for one CFD would be AUD 57,500. If one point was worth AUD 25, then the exposure for one CFD would be 5,750 x 25, or AUD 143,750.

Alternative calculations:

In some cases, the minimum tick size is measured in movements that occur to the right of the decimal place.

For example, the minimum tick value for CFDs on the S&P500 is often 0.1 points or 0.01 points.

If the S&P500 is trading at 2,660 and the tick size is 0.1, with a tick value of $1, then one CFD is worth 2,660 x10 x $1, or $26,660.

If the tick size was 0.01 and a tick was worth $1, then one CFD would be worth 2,660 x 100 x $1, or $266,600.

That may seem very high, but in reality, one tick is often worth only $0.1 or $0.01.